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Attention all equestrians...yes, I'm reaching out to you to talk about how your wellness plan is going?  Do you have one? No worries if you don't...most people haven't made the time to address this part of their lives. We pick up things here and there, but having a comprehensive wellness plan can be life changing! 


Let's face it...we do so much for our horses so they can perform at their best, but what about us?  


Are you exhausted, in pain, not feeling well in your body?


Are you curious about how to feel better while managing your busy schedule filled with stress and more stress?


Do you face a daily struggle about how to plan meals, what to eat, how to stay hydrated and how to stop those cravings that consume your thoughts?  


Are you interested in learning how to get out of the cycle that's not working so you can create better habits while cultivating a healthier relationship with food?  


What about your sleep patterns?  


Are you stressed, anxious and fearful?  


Do you wonder how people who seem to have it all together & somehow manage things so well?     


We can relate...we've all been there. Now is the time - before the holidays - to get a jump start on your health and wellness.  This is not a diet plan.  This is so much's about upgrading your lifestyle.  You will learn about how to tackle all these life challenges, including helpful tools and practices that can dramatically transform the way you feel, look, and think.  And who doesn't want to feel better in their body and in the saddle?  


What:  Eight-week program 

Where:  Facetime Call

When:  Start Any Time!  


Week 1  

Start your wellness journey.  Identify your main challenges and set goals.  Learn to upgrade your thoughts and habits and focus on what you want to achieve. Let go of the struggle! Learn what, when and why of eating well, feeling well and maintaining your wellness. 

Week 2

Got Water: The importance of hydration and how! 

Week 3

The Audit: Food, lifestyle habits and mindset analysis and upgrades. 

Week 4

Eating seasonally: Creating a seasonal menu filled with what to eat.

Week 5

Daily Rhythm: Creating a daily rhythm that will enhance your energy all day long. 

Week 6

Mindfulness: Creating an environment for optimal nourishment.

Week 7

Sleep well: What is sleep hygiene and how do I create it?  

Week 8

Featured Guest!  Fellow equestrian Leni Onkka from Clear Your Destiny will discuss spiritual life coaching and how this work can help you get past fears, confidence issues and life struggles.  


Imagine that two months from the start of the program you can be in a completely different space mentally, physically, & spiritually.  Creating new habits and letting go of what isn’t serving you IS A GOOD THING!  When you close certain doors, new ones will open and reveal things you never thought possible.  


How it works:  Once you sign up, you'll receive a confirmation email with details for next steps.  



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